
Showing posts from June, 2020

February and March 2019

February Note: looks like for whatever reason I was not focused on politics for about three weeks. At any rate, I didn’t make many political entries for awhile. 2/15 Trump declared a National Emergency and much mockery has ensued. 3/4 Luke Perry died. Age 51. 3/10 Trump signed Bibles. 3/12 Trump bitching about airplanes being too complicated. I’m not making this shit up, just recording because I feel like I have to. 3/14 Trump leaves odd and ominous threats about biker gangs. 3/15 Mass shooting in New Zealand. Guy looked to Trump for inspiration. Sad world in 2019. 3/18 I liked Beto and got nothing against him, but he is seeming like a vapid choice of “centrist” politics…that said, if he can win a popularity contest and get Trump out of there, fuck it. 3/21 Catherine Pugh sold books to an organization she was on the board for…

January 2019

2019 January 1/6 Realizing one thing I can’t tolerate anymore is the argument that: well, my life sucks so why should I care about your problem? Those two things are not connected. Your life sucking should have no bearing on your position on the big picture. 1/8 Trump giving his racist speech and I am not watching. 1/10 Day 20 of shutdown. Thanks, Trump. 1/11 Govt. still shut. ATC’s going unpaid. Trump is fucking clueless. 1/14 Trump served crappy fast foodat the White House for visiting Natl. Champion Clemson students. So embarrassing to see them all dressed up and being treated like that. 1/16 Cardi B made a video about the shutdown. I didn’t even know who she was. Trump is not doing the SOTU speech because Pelosi denied it to him (that’s a win.) 1/18 What’s new…Trump trying to send bricks to Schumer and Pelosi… Also…claiming (in typically wrong

December 2018

December 12/4 Trump is senile. At the very least. 12/7 Trump= Individual 1 and he is too stupid to see that he hasn’t been exonerated for anything. 12/10 Trump can’t spell “Smoking.” “smocking.” Mo-ron. 12/11 Trump went at it with Pelosi and Schumer about the funding of the wall while Pence just sat there. 12/12 Nobody knows and nobody takes responsibility…. Bravery does not exist. I fucking hate these people. 12/16 Trump can’t tell the difference between the news and Saturday Night Live. 12/19 Everyone thinks Trump is going to be gone soon. But then GOP doubling down and eliminating state primaries so there is no opposition. That is very bad. #ResignTrump is trending on the ‘Twit. 12/24 Stock Market tanking and Trump does what everyone does these days: points the finger at someone else. Seriously, fuck this guy and all who continue to s

November 2018

11/1 Yeah, sorry I haven’t got a lot more. But the Gun Trace Task Force used a code…8 tickets to the Orioles Home game= 8 ounces of cocaine. 11/6/18 Looks like Dems take the house, Senate probably staying GOP. Either way, Trump will spin and celebrate. 11/7 Trump had a fight with Acosta from CNN…what a dick. 11/9 Trump told a reporter his was a stupid question. “What a stupid question.” The President. Holy fuck. And he’d bitching about Florida recounts. This is all gonna turn out in his favor anyway, but he will kick and scream and cry fraud all the way until it does. 11/10 Trump didn’t go to WW2 Memorial due to rain. What a pussy. 11/11 Trump…well. Other than criticizing CA forest service for wildfires…IDK 11/19 Trump claims Finland doesn’t have forest fires because they rake the forest floor… 11/20 Damn. Lotta Trump stuff…well…insulted the leader of the Bin Laden raid…restricting access of press corps at White House by changing rules for press conferen

October 2018

October 6. Kavanaugh confirmed, 50-48. Sad day. 10/9 is a resource for sexual assault survivors. 10/16 Liz Warren shooting herself in the foot with a DNA test showing some small amount of Indian blood. Bad idea, Liz, bad. 10/17 Mitch McConnell claiming that entitlements (not giveaways to the rich) are the reason for the huge deficit. What a piece of shit. Book 2. 10/19 Trump trying to trash Beto and sweep this dead journalist thing away or trivialize it. White Supremacists trying to intimidate black voters. 40 ounces and weed… 10/22 3 days…Trump going on about the caravan of refugees headed up thru Mexico. I tweet “Fuck You” at him for not the first or last time. Getting over my aversion to doing that. 10/24 Someone sent bombs/bomb threats to prominent Democrats and Trump farmed out his condemnation to a retweet of Pence. 10/25 Trump tweets about the New York Times…it’s like he can’t stop even when domestic terrorism is real. 10/28

September 2018

9/1 Kicker for the Ravens (not Justin Tucker) got robbed and beaten in East Baltimore, teeth knocked out. Pretty fucking awful. 9/4 Bob Woodward Trump book getting the attention of the White House. Let’s be honest; how many backstories about yourself can you dismiss as simply being from “disgruntled ex-employees”? Doesn’t say much for you as a boss, now does it? 9/5 Trump is losing his mind with a “white House Official” who wrote a New York Times op/ed and used the word “lodestar.” People think it’s Pence. Stay tuned. 9/6 Trump is so dumb. Demanding the New York Times “find out” who wrote the Op/Ed. Uh, dummy? They know but are obligated to protect their sources. 9/15 Trump…relentlessly tweeting bullshit about the witch hunt. Kavanaugh attempted to rape someone in high school and 65 or so people sign a letter saying he was a good guy? 9/17 Kavanaugh fucking sexually assaulted someone and at the end of the day, the shit simply won’t matter. Another Clarence Thoma

JOMPT August 2018

8/3 Trump attacks LeBron James who has built a school in Akron. What a dick. 8/4 Trump disses LeBron because Trump is a piece of shit. 8/6 Trump being called good for blacks by “certain black leaders.” Jesus Christ! 8/7 QAnon continues to piss me off by its very existence. 8/8 Trump…well, let’s see…pulling out of Iran deal, fucking up Iran’s economy. Black people somehow supposedly giving him a high rating but not sure that is even real news. 8/9 Trump Space Force plan moves ahead. 8/10 Want to say “Fuck Trump” all day. 8/12 Well…the big Unite the Right rally fizzled, and a lot of it is because of the efforts of people to out the racists and cause them to lose their jobs and get shamed by their communities. It’s an area where the so-called SJW’s are doing some good. 8/13 Yeah…does “why does every new show have to have a gay character?” qualify as homophobic? Definitely a drag to hear these sorts of things out of the mouths of people with who

JOMPT July 2018

Journal from 2018, unedited Political notes July 3 Trump changed his mind about the flags [for McCain]. They will fly at half-mast. Wal-Mart taking shit for selling “Impeach 45” shirts even after years of selling anti-Hillary shit. July 5. Trump makes fun of 1,000 points of light out of complete ignorance. He is just willfully stupid. He doesn’t care. July 9 Monday. Kavanaugh for #SCOTUS. Not sure about the specifics but I know it ain’t good. July 10. My lack of hope for the future of this country continues unabated. I deleted a tweet that a Trumper re-tweeted because I’ve decided I would not give pleasure to people who jerk off to Satan in their spare time. Jul 11 50K people ready to protest Trump in England. July 13. Trump Protested by 250,000 in England today. Flying Trump baby flew over London. So very proud of the British people today. July 16 Trump completely embarrassed himself and the USA when he chose to believe Putin’s assurances that h

Journal of my Perceived Truth: a data dump of the last two years of unvarnished political observations.

One day in 2018, I decided to re-dedicate myself to journaling on a more regular basis. This is in part because I think people have short memories and you can’t trust that the collective hive mind will be accurate in its memory of events. Over the last few years, whenever I had a political or social observation, I highlighted it. I'm just an observer. 2018 June 6/14 “We Gotta stop treating the world like it’s a zero sum game.” 6/18 I don’t even know what to say. All by himself, in just a few short years, Trump has rendered satire and fiction obsolete. My craziest ideas can’t even match this guy. I’m done. Today he declared there must be a Space Force. A fucking Space Force. You know…like NASA. Like Star Wars. A military branch like the army of the Air Force. Holy shit. Oh, it’s real, baby. I am not making this up. 6/20 Can only get so sick of arguing about Trump. But it’s every day in good old 2018. Space Force. Kids taken from their families at the borde