
Showing posts from July, 2020

March 2019: The Beginning of the Coronavirus Posts.

March 2020 3/1 On board for Biden. I’m over Bernie. Hoping for the best. 3/2 Back and forth and back…Biden…amassing the establishment and damn, I just want to see a Democrat win….bleah… 3/3 IDK. Primary results coming back. I swear, my Twitter is an even split Biden/Bernie and I feel like the old man, the uncool Biden supporter after months of supporting Bernie and earlier being for Yang…it really is about winning and calming everything down… 3/4 Trump blames Obama for issues in dealing with the Coronavirus…every fucking day with this shit. I’m making lots of Howard Dean comparisons re: Bernie. Cool kids liked him, but they failed to show up for him. 3/8 Coronavirus fear is doing nothing to change the disgusting people who sneeze out shit and then don’t wash their hands. It’s also Trump’s 1 st non self-inflicted crisis. And it’s showing how ill

February 2020

2/1 All in on anyone else for President. Kinda think a Bernie or a Warren would be good. Because nobody radical can get anything passed without the Senate also flipping. So really, it would all be symbolic, but a Democrat would appoint more liberal judges and at least allow RBG to finally retire. 2/3 If I didn’t already say it…I’m now all in for Bernie. He’s genuine. He doesn’t care what people think of him. He’s not Establishment. He gets people to cross the party lines. And we need to fight fire with fire. And I’m sorry, but that ain’t Liz Warren or Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden is just not going to get it done. Blue wave has to happen. Iowa Caucus tonight. 2/4 #SOTU is on. Not watching. Iowa Caucus is a joke. Results not fully in. 2/5 Trump stays. No one is shocked. Pelosi ripped up his written speech. Same people mad. 2/6 Posted this reply to an AOC tweet about “bootstrapping”--

January 2020

2020 January 1/1 Iraq’s US Embassy was on fire, attacked by protesters, and Trump is the guy in charge. God help us. 1/4 Iran…razor thin evidence for the attack. Nothing to gain. Drums of war. Life goes on. Trump is fucking crazy and maybe that’s not even his fault (being generous here). But that does not excuse the people who bend themselves into pretzels trying to justify his actions. 1/8 Apparently, the Iran thing seems to be blowing over. No one was killed in the airstrikes. Trump delivered an incoherent speech. 1/11 So here we are. A long losing baseball season possibly re-electing Trump before we even get to the Ravens getting to redeem themselves. 1/12 Trump congratulated Tenn which further infuriated me…. He doesn’t like Maryland or Baltimore because we don’t like him. And I’m so pissed that we lost like that… 1/13 Trump tweeted a fake pic of snow at

November and December 2019

November 2019 11/11 Trump used the word “tantalizing” to describe the transcript of his whatever. 11/12 Stephen Miller leaked emails showing/proving that he is in fact a White Nationalist. 11/13 Impeachment hearing…where the GOP lies and struggles to come up with a defense for a lying scumbag. Jim Jordan is an ass. 11/14 Stephen Miller is still a White Nationalist and it disappeared from the news. Trump looted funds for a portrait of himself and was ordered to pay it back and that disappeared from the press. 11/15 Trump impeachment witness intimidation occurring. 11/20 “I want nothing!” Is the catchphrase of Trump today. He is unhinged but, I just don’t know that anything will change. December 2019 12/15 Trump is rigging impeachment by controlling the trial thru McConnell. 12/16 Trump claims he declined to be Time’s Man of the Year. T

October 2019

October 2019 10/2 OMG Trump and “moots” and alligators and sharky (?) and shooting people in the leg. A bull got loose in West Baltimore again. 10/3 Trump is still President. 10/4 Trump doubling down on trying to get China to investigate Biden. Be a real kick in the balls if somebody beats Biden and he’s not even the nominee. 10/5 Trump threw Rick Perry under the bus and said he told him to call Ukraine. Oh, this shit is sad. 10/7 Trump claims he had “great and unmatched wisdom.” Holy shit. He wasn’t being ironic. Holy shit. 10/8 Trump promising to not cooperate with impeachment. Because that’s what innocent people do. 10/11 Some idiot Trump supporter actually tried to tell my Obama was somehow egotistical: “His speeches are bursting with ‘I,’ ‘me,’ and ‘my’ comments.” I almost thought he was kidding. He wasn’t. I ignored him. 10/13 Rudy G. Ep…his jo

September 2019

September 2019 9/3 Megan McCain talking up gun rights, but she really needs to shut up. 9/4 Trump used a Sharpie to change a weather map so that he could make his tweet match up with the truth. He kept insisting Dorian was going to hit Alabama, but National Weather Service said no. And so he drew on an NWS map to change it. I’m serious. This is what life is like in 2019 under “President” Trump. What a schmuck. 9/5 Trump still clinging to his #sharpieGate weather fiasco. A simple “I’m sorry” would be all he needs. 9/6 It’s Friday and #SHarpieGate continues. 4 states suspending primaries, so Trump won’t be challenged. It’s starting……. 9/7 Trump is endlessly being a stupid motherfucker who can’t get out of his own way. 9/9 Trump came out a loser in a Twitter battle with Jon Legend and Chrissy Teigan. 9/10 Trump fired Bolton. Call it a push. 9/

August, 2019

8/3 2 Mass shootings in 24 hours. One in ELP…20 dead, 40 injured, 59 seconds. Wal-Mart White Nationalist in his 20’s who was captured and taken alive. 1 this morning in DAY, OH. That I haven’t read about yet. 7 dead…so…ho-hum, I guess. You say we want to ban guns? Hell yeah, I do. 8/4 Thoughts and Prayers and dancing around everything, blaming gun violence on videogames, liberalism, godlessness, mental illness….everything but what is named in the very problem: a GUN. Very hard to commit gun violence without a gun. Much easier to act on your Crazy with a gun. I’m not very interested in your counter arguments. And Trump’s incitements do not help shit. 8/5 Reps and Senators blaming shootings on everything under the sun except the guns for the 2 shootings. I am working myself into head pain figuring out how people can come up with these reasons…and why no one is given pause at the fact that Russia worked

July, 2019

7/1 AOC toured the Detainee Camps and MAGA idiots doubt her and the think the whole thing is made up and exaggerated. Meanwhile, THESE ARE FUCKING HUMAN BEINGS AND NO ONE SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE THIS. 7/2 Probably went on an ill-advised Tweet Storm. Piers Morgan is a fucking cocksucker. Nap shaming is real. This ‘kids in cages’ thing…I’m having a hard time with my fellow Americans and my fellow human beings who support this asshole. I don’t want my whole life to be conflict. But, shit…the comfort of the Trump voter. They don’t care when it’s directed at other people. The warning I give: you won’t like it if they turn on you. 7/5 Trump gave an incoherent 4 th of July speech when he referred to the Continental Army controlling the airports. Blamed it on a broken teleprompter. 7/7 US Women’s Team won the World Cup 7-0 vs NED. Calls for “Equal Pay” and “Fuck Trump” prevail. 7/11 So

June, 2019

June 2019 6/5 Uh…Trump is in London and getting protested and he is lying about how big the protests are. 6/12 Trump supporters “boycotting” Harvard for some reason. No, really. 6/18 AOC takes shit for correctly calling Trump’s internment of immigrants “Concentration Camps.” 6/19 Some troll with 14 followers tried to engage me on an AOC post. Dude…just because refugees have a tax-supported roof and bed and food doesn’t make their imprisonment a “good deal.” Combat, baby, combat. 6/20 “I am voting for Trump in 2020” is the gift that keeps on giving. · Because I was finally comfortable expressing my racism and I don’t want to have to suppress it again. I had a lobotomy I hate the environment, women, and the gays. Lobotomy? I’m just really, really stupid. 6/25 Trump Folks claim that detainees/refugees

May, 2019

May 2019 5/2 Liking Liz Warren but…serious doubts about her ability to get elected…and beat Trump. -From Massachusetts, a graveyard of Presidential contenders…Dukakis, Kerry, Mitt Romney. -a woman who resembles Hillary and some people won’t know the difference. -North Eastern politics does not equal the Midwest/South/National. -Doesn’t seem like she won’t fall into the Hillary “unlikable” trap. I realize it’s not fair and we shouldn’t have to think about the fact that she’s a woman. But we’ve been down this road before. It just seems too familiar. Pugh resigned, no shock whatsoever. 5/19 Biden/Warren/Mayor Pete…those are my 3 choices. Not looking at Harris or Beto or Bernie…. 5/21 Honestly…give everyone 50 K a year so they can either stay home or do a job they want to do. That’s got to be better than this. I just don’t believe that life has to suck as much as it does for people.

April, 2019

April 2019 4/5 Mitch McConnell rammed through a bill that limits debate time on Federal judges. 30 hours to 2 hours. Trump is going to have a field day for the next 2-6 years. 4/7 “I’m gonna get an education, work hard, and take responsibility for my own life!” doesn’t make a catchy thing to yell at hate rallies. 4/10 Trump toured Mt. Vernon and criticized it and said that Washington should have named it after himself. 4/11 Abortion rights curtailed in Ohio. 6 week ban. Stay tuned. 4/14 Trump barred transgender troops and California National Guard defied him. 4/16 Notre Dame fire and Trump’s dumbass suggestion how to fight it…. My latest epiphany—I don’t want the next President to be a Messiah, I just want a competent and non-controversial leader…A Gerald Ford type. Someone to steady things and nominate replacements for 2 or 3 retiring judges. Leaning toward Biden…jus