July, 2020

July, 2020


Trump press secretary is lying and saying that Trump reads everything and is well-informed. And Black Lives Matter is a hate group or something. Nothing is getting better.


Trump disingenuously decides that he likes masks ☹. And fuck, what the fuck.


Speeches at Mt. Rushmore. Trump is losing his mind.

I’m screaming at the world that Mt. Rushmore is not a holy site, and it was built as a tourist trap by a man who was at best a transactional racist (he didn’t care about aligning himself with the KKK to fund projects). He made the Stone Mountain monument for the Confederacy. People claiming this area for some sacred purposes are pretty fucking delusional. Speaking of which…some fuck nut in Florida (I think) interviewed on TV with underwear on his head as some sort of protest/statement against masks.


Protesters pulled down the Christopher Columbus statue and threw it in the harbor. I mean, damn… Cue the butthurt from the anti-PC warriors. It’s not worth getting mad about.

Trump rambling about Leftists and agitators and people who don’t know what they’re doing. He sounds like he’s losing his ability to speak.


Kanye “running” for President, but I think it’s just a scam to sell something. Kanye2020.


Trump screaming to open the schools. They are going to do it in Florida…what I see happening is an insurrection. My friend in FLA is going nuts. Trying to ride Biden for being the sensible one. He doesn’t give a shit about our lives; he just wants to have the economy rolling again so he can maintain his power. It’s all about power and vanity. There’s no other good reason for any of it.


Big push to reopen the schools…And yet we have not gotten this thing under control. Trump takes the “suck it up” approach but…no one is doing a good job with this. Not in the US. Other countries took it more seriously and acted quicker, and that’s why they’re re-opening. The US? We’re just embarrassing ourselves.


Trump pardoned Roger Stone and TBH, I have to look up who that is.


Trump had a mask on at a photo op at Walter Reed Hospital and it’s such a crock of shit, too little too late disingenuous nonsense. But, but, but…if he got some MAGATs to wear them, then it might at least do some good.


Trump is still trying to bring down Fauci ‘cause he’s got nothing. It’s a fucking disaster here. I don’t know how we got through this I want to just stay home until it’s over, but I can’t. But we’ll survive somehow.


Trump had a wacky Rose Garden speech where he again blamed Covid on too much testing. “Where is Hunter?” and just a babbling stream of insane words. Please, please, need Biden to win.


Trump photographed himself with Goya products. Because that’s much more important than anything.


Trump went on about dishwashers.

“Dishwashers, you didn’t have any water so the people that do the dishes, you press it and it goes again and you do it again and again…so you might as well give them the water because you will end up using less water.”

Ok…you give water, so you have less water. But now they have more water? Oh, and BTW, Trump doesn’t make dishwashers and WTF are you talking about?


Police going nuts all over the US.


It’s bad all over. Cops in unmarked uniforms taking people off the streets. Covid-19 rages with no end…


Trump claims teachers are teaching kids to hate America. That we used to teach 1492 and now it’s 1619 and I don’t know what the hell that is (slavery. 1st slaves brought to North America [literally 60 seconds of Googling]). A simple Google search, Mr. “President”. That he can’t be bothered to understand why people are mad or don’t want to hold Columbus as a hero is just part of the problem…willful ignorance and just spouting off lies to his idiotic followers. C’mon November. Need a big win more than ever….


Trump claiming he’s wearing a mask and it’s Patriotic…he’s claiming something because he thinks he’s losing and that people are stupid…well, they are. But Jesus….


It’s that whole “can’t take a position, just gonna point out how stupid everyone is” thing that I can’t stand.

Trump flipped a 180 and is claiming people should wear masks…he’s also overstating his competence by passing a cognitive test…like ‘that’s an elephant.’


Operation LeGend…where Trump wants Federal agents swamping the streets to tamp down protests and yank people off the streets, named after a four year old who was killed, but seriously, many kids have been killed and the only reason he cares now is because it’s an election year and he’s polling badly and he wants to burnish his Law and Order credentials.


Trump bragging about his cognitive test?


And a Federal Judge issued a restraining order on the Federal Agents in Portland, Oregon. Thank God for the ACLU.


He’s still going on about cognitive tests and I can’t wait to vote.


My Facebook post:

“I could understand if it was like ‘you gotta stick this up your ass to keep from getting or transmitting the coronavirus.’ Then I’d see your point. Maybe.”

Trump’s wall blew down during Hurricane Hanna…

#TrumpCantKeepItUp trends on Twitter.


Trump wonders why everyone hates him, speculating that it’s his personality. I’d say it’s his soulless, heartless, un-curious nature…where Obama was a thoughtful man who made mistakes, Trump is a thoughtless man who never admits mistakes. His utter lack of humility and his willful ignorance, his inability to admit a lack of knowledge and an unwillingness to learn. If he could ever utter an “I’m sorry” or “I screwed up this thing but I’m going to learn from this and do better next time.” But he has to act like a tough guy that he is not.


Trump telling people they can live the Suburban Lifestyle Dream because he is rescinding Obama rules about enabling African Americans to live in nice neighborhoods…

“I am happy to inform all of the people living in their Suburban Lifestyle Dream that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low income housing built in your neighborhood.” #racistInChief #NobodyLikesTrump

What a fucking prick. He doesn’t even hide it.


Trump floated the idea of delaying elections (because he is losing). Meanwhile the US suffered the biggest quarterly drop ever…32.9%...so that election delay was likely just a distraction.

And Herman Cain died of Covid after refusing to wear a mask and attending the Tulsa Trump rally….2012 Presidential candidate… 9-9-9 tax plan…

Black Voices for Trump. The type of guy who brought himself up and didn’t give a fuck about other Black People. Fuck him.

Ok. And John Lewis funeral…Obama delivers a tear-jerker. But what else would you expect?


Trump says he is going to ban TIK TOK (ostensibly for security reasons) but really because kids have used it to fuck up his rallies. Small, petty man whose time is hopefully up in about 96 days.


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