June 2020


Trump had protesters tear gassed so he could cross the street and do a photo op with him awkwardly holding a Bible upside down like a football that he was getting ready to spike. And the protesters are getting tear gassed in ATL (but the gas is blowing back at police). I am fucking done.

My Tweet:

“OK, fair warning. There are people in my life I don’t talk to because of things that preceded the Orange Shitbag. I will have no problem losing some people I have never met who come at me or defend him.”


My Tweet:

“People only care about things when it impacts them in some way. I propose ‘pro-active giving a shit about things’ as an attitude that we need to adopt. You know…as a species?”


The police are out of control. Video of cops in Vegas snatching up a guy crossing the street on his way back from work. In jail 14 hours. Another man waiting in his car at the stop light. Cops shoot pepper spray/tear gas at him. He gets pissed and screams at them, his pregnant wife is in the car.

God fucking dammit??? What the hell is wrong with the cops? I was never a ‘Fuck the cops’ guy before. I am now.

And Trump had a fence put up around the White House to keep out protesters. He’s a weak manwith no courage or strength yet—people are so stupid. This timeline is full of cult indoctrinated Trump supporters.

Trump lying and saying he was “inspecting the bunker” not hiding in it. Yeah…and the White House was dark. SO…was he sitting in the dark? And the park was clearerd before anyone knew the president was coming??? And somehow that’s supposed to be better????

I was so sad for awhile. Now I’m just pissed.


Trump claimed George Floyd was looking down and happy that jobs ans the economy were doing so well…uh…Yeah…and that it was a good day for him. Pretty sure if he were still alive that would have been a better day.

BUF—75 year old man trying to return a police helmet was pushed and cracked his head on the pavement. Cops first reaction now is to use violence. 57 cops quit in protest over his firing….good fucking riddance. Cops aren’t equipped to be our social guardians…


JK Rowling being “cancelled” because of her posts on trans-people. She’s TERF (trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.)

Trump’s unemployment numbers were off by 3%.


MN police going to be disbanded, by vote of the City Council. (un-vetoable.)

Brandon Scott now has a 400-vote lead 😊.


Brandon Scott up by 1,000 votes.


Brandon Scott has won the Mayoral Primary. He is the de-facto Mayor-elect.

Trump claiming that the BUF 75-year-old was trying to fuck up police equipment. And he was faking the fall for exaggeration.

What a piece of shit.


Trump praising the Confederacy and the legacy of winning (?) or some shit…


Trump bitching because CNN reported a poll where Biden is leading.


Trump administration finalized a rule change in the ACA that reverses rules protecting trans-gender patients. It seems to be designed to save money (by denying care), reverse Obama (who Trump hates) and just exercising general cruelty and meanness while rewarding the religious Conservative fucks who are benefiting from the Trump administration.

We really need to get him out of there. It could get so much worse.


Trump needed 2 hands to drink a glass of water: he looked to be in obvious distress. He did not look good walking down a ramp, either. I think ATL is on fire but that’s an ongoing development.


Coronavirus is not over in spite of what y’all think.


Today…. #SCOTUS ruled that gay/trans folks could sue for sex discrimination, 6-3 (Alito, Kavanaugh and of course, Clarence Thomas dissent). And…by not hearing and ICE/sanctuary city case, upheld the right of cities to not have to obey Federal orders…based argument on a ruling /opinion by Scalia…

Trump behind in the polls. I got nothing else.


Cops claiming they were “poisoned” at the Shake Shack after they felt sick after drinking milkshakes. Seriously?


John Bolton’s book causing a stir. Among other things: Trump thought Finland was part of Russia.

It seems opinion on the book is divided between “I really want to read it” and “Bolton’s a scumbag who really should have spoken up sooner.” But then, it really wouldn’t have mattered.

Also…Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben are changing out of their racist stereotypes. And people are up in arms.

And this female cop was crying about her Mc Muffin not showing up. And then worrying that it would be poisoned (I guess). I tried to take her side…like, people get crazy when they’re hungry and crazy when you work a lot and are separated from your food.


Trump had a rally in Tulsa and the crowd was less than half capacity of the facility. Apparently a bunch of kids got tickets to the event wit hno intention of going…kids an KPOP fans. There was no spillover crowd and it was a total embarrassment for Trump. He claimed that he told his people to slow the testing down so they wouldn’t have so many positives…no, really. And apparently they applauded when he successfully drank water…because the bar is that low… (6200 people).


Trump’s rally was a lousy 6200 people. John Bolton’s new book…. he’s on the tour and was just on ABC.


Another Trump rally today. Kung Flu. He claims Dems are all about hate and he is all about love and none of it computes.

Men, especially white men…have had a hand in all the situations fucking up the world. The oil producing Arab nations were exploited by the white man. African countries were fucked up by colonialism and then abandoned. The pollution and wars are all because of consumerism and greed. We don’t care about freedom, only about ourselves….


I just put up an inflammatory post on Facebook about mask wearing.

I'm 45 years old, I've been wearing a face covering since this started, any time I leave the house, even while working a physical job. Suck it up, buttercup. You can too.


I’ve gone from being sad every day to being angry. Angry at the human race, angry at our inability to perform simple tasks to stem the tide of coronavirus infection... How it affects our lives and yet will never truly affect the fuckwit in office who let it go for two months and continues to downplay it. How people just travel and golf on fucking vacation…essential travel…they are not led. They are just left to figure it out. Telling people to find a way and figure it out themselves is not leadership. Hoping and wishing that it will go away is not leadership.

I hate everything.

Bet Trump never suffers an instant of his pathetic life.


Trump’s people at #SCOTUS trying to undo the ACA again. Because that’s timely and necessary during a never-ending pandemic. 124 thousand dead…not abating.


Trump knew/was briefed/chose to ignore Putin put a bounty on American soldiers. This is impeachable, this is criminal, this is putting soldiers in harm’s way. All so Trump could invite Russia back into the G7. Disgusting. #Trea45on is trending.

And people outside still don’t wear masks. Bicyclists are entitled pricks who don’t wear masks. Except for me and people who ride bikes to get around, and work and just like to ride. I got nothing against them. But these Canton, Roland Park yuppy fucks can go to hell.


Ok. Trump spin cycle about the Russian bounty thing. But he was briefed and there were other people in the room. He had to know, or he is really THAT stupid. I just don’t know what the remedy is at this point, other than the Election.


Rumor that Trump is kinda giving up because of bad polls. But much like the rumors of the death of Stalin being disbelieved, I won’t believe this until I see it.


Press Secretary sez Trump reads everything and is well informed and of course, everyone believes it.


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