November 2020

November 2020


2 more sleeps before the 2020 Election. Trump threatening legal action already. They’re putting up yet another fence around the White House (non-scalable). He is a big fat pussy and he needs to lose, but BTW, is we didn’t have the Electoral College we wouldn’t have to be worrying about the handful of battleground states that the GOP can concentrate their illegal voter suppression tactics, but hey, I’m just a liberal or something, even though I’m probably more of a left-leaning pragmatist who is in favor of rational decision making in government.


Election Eve…Trump holding 5 rallies today with fuck all care for #CoronaVirus. Biden doing a last minute whatever with Lady Gaga and Jon Legend. C’mon. Bring it home. Can’t take much more of this. But at least the efforts at cutting down the vote are not hitting like the GOP hoped…


I don’t really know how it’s going. I see Biden won Colorado and all the states he’ supposed to win. I haven’t been watching Election returns. I have hiccups. I just need to sleep and not fuck my day up. But here we go.


I went to work nervous about Election stuff and then it all turned around with Biden winning Michigan, Wisconsin, and now at 264 Electoral votes and close to winning Nevada and finally defeating Trump. Trump is throwing a shit fit and suing to stop counting and suing to recount and just being a bitch…

Biden needs Nevada, it leans toward him and he should win but if he doesn’t, I feel less confident about NC, GA, or PA…. but he could still win PA.


(obsessively checking Politico)

Biden sits at 264 with Nevada strongly trending in his direction and he should win but they are slow as shit counting. He is .1 percentage points behind in GA and a solid point behind in PA but they haven’t counted all yet and apparently, he has been gaining with mail-ins… Trump is freaking out and suing all over and giving incoherent speeches. I don’t know. I haven’t been watching. Hope Biden clinches tomorrow.


Biden remains at 264 but is ahead and surging in PA, GA and NV and will win but they are not calling it anywhere due to fear of Trump. Hey, people didn’t believe Stalin was dead, either. No one has called 270 yet, but it’s coming.


JOE BIDEN HAS DONE IT!!! He is the President-elect, 290 to 214, with GA and NC still outstanding. PA was the tipping point that gave him 273. NV gave him 279. Still waiting on AZ as well…but he did it and people all over are celebrating. People feel a weight lifted; people are dancing in the streets. It’s amazing. I don’t ever want to take this for granted. I don’t ever want to have a schmuck like Trump in office ever again.

Trump, for his part, is NOT CONCEDING, threatening to sue everyone, and saying the whole thing is rigged. He says he will go “kicking and screaming” and honestly, I want to see that. Goodbye, asshole. Fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you for all the people who died needlessly from the coronavirus, felt threatened or were assaulted by your supporters, were victimized by his violent and thoughtless rhetoric, anti-gay and anti-trans policies (trans in the military) fucked over by the tanking coronavirus economy, separated families, immigrants who lived in fear for their lives, and all the fighting with family caused as a result of him. Good fucking riddance, and all of the people we get to get rid of…Stephen Miller, Jared Kushner, Ivanka, Melania, Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson…and so many more. Flush the goddamn toilet.

Oh///and I forgot to mention…Trump was on the golf course when he got the news…. his people in Philly booked a venue for a press conference with his top people. (Rudy, etc.). It was the Four Seasons Total Landscaping/. They held a big press conference (accusing Democrats of all kinds of wrongdoing) in the parking lot of a totally unrelated landscaping venue. Wow. The fucking incompetence. Spontaneous celebrations all over the country and the world…church bells ringing in Paris…


Some people in media and online urging patience and understanding for Trump voters, who called us “libtards and “snowflakes” and such…naaaaaaaaaahhh. Fuck that. Ye reap what ye sow and you fucking brought this on all of us. Trump is more irrelevant than ever; he stays that way the longer her stays challenging the results of the race.


Crazy ass soon to be irrelevant Trump is still refusing to concede/ Kenneth Copeland has a terrible fake laugh. Biden just calmly assembles his COVID-19 team. Can’t wait til this is done and then can’t wait til COvid-19 is tamed.


Trump…Pompeo (Sec of State) ham-handed jokes about transitioning to a 2 nd Trump administration. The whole post-election strategy is to convince everyone the results are illegitimate…this is with no proof whatsoever. The GOP paid a postal worker 130 thousand dollars to lie about vote tampering. Because 130K is the magic number.


I feel like we’re in a Fantasyland where Trump is acting like nothing happened, like there was no election and he wasn’t defeated and he’s still naming people to acting positions on his cabinet and not lifting a finger to help the transition of power…meanwhile, Biden is just acting calm and collected and naming people to his cabinet and coronavirus task force…like total opposites.


Trump, still being a fucker.


Trump had a press conference and didn’t answer any questions. For some reason he is all gray now. Must have grabbed the wrong wig.


The #MillionMagaMarch—where a couple Proud Boys and other racist fucks breathe out the dying breath of the 1 term Trump Presidency…


I posted this…

“I’ll just say it: you guys that are willing to risk being sick and passing it on to other people just so you can see your extended family on Christmas or Thanksgiving are a special kind of fucked up.”


“Maybe just maybe, big maybe…someone is dying and you need to make right with them beforehand. There’s fucking Zoom and telephones, but I’ll look the other way if you use all the precautions and quarantine after.”


Lindsey Graham pressured GA Sec of State to discard ballots.


Wayne Co GOP members tried to decertify the election in the county, minus Detroit, thereby excluding Black voters. This BS got ping-ponged so fast, it got reversed after online outrage…. honestly, that “follower” of mine trying to use the racist argument that cities like LA and Chicago were such a mess and shouldn’t be able to decide who becomes president (in response to my tongue-in-cheek suggestion that the E.C would be fine, just give all the electoral votes to the winner of the Popular vote, 538-0, and everyone’s happy.


Rudy Giuliani gave crazy press conference where his hair dye leaked down his face…trying to roll back the results in PA, Michigan, and really anywhere that Biden won. Can’t believe this insanity. Trump is going to make this as difficult as possible. Thank God Biden had a good win, not a few hundred votes that could be tossed out.


Trump and his sycophants continue to fight the results of a lawful election. It’s pretty sad but I’m not really worried about the transfer of power, other than the very real possibility that Biden will get the worst draw ever and will be blamed for a lot of the inherited mess.


Ricky Schroeder and My Pillow guy helped post a $2 million dollar bail for Kyle Rittenhouse, the terrorist kid who killed protesters after traveling across state lines with his mother. I hate this country.


Whoever was in charge…the head of the General Services Administration Emily Murphy finally, much belatedly agreed to start the formal transition process. The lawyering is said to be awful. Got about 2 months of this garbage.


I can’t discount the negative energy that pain can provide. I didn’t want to do anything yesterday. I felt awful. I was depressed that I thought I wouldn’t finish my book (Silly, I’ve been ahead the whole time. Even now I have 4 days remaining.) Pain will lead your mind to terrible places. I’ve never really been in prolonged pain. Not since I broke my arm in 1 st grade. But that was pain and then hospital and it wasn’t a constant nagging pain. I see how people kill themselves from pain. Ans mine was (is) minor, though I still call it 7 of 10 on the pain scale. I need to be less of a dick about others’ pain.


Donald Trump in a ridiculous photo by himself at a tiny desk (a desk that is meant to be used with a large group of people behind him but just by himself, he looks ridiculous). Been spending money on recounts and one in Wisconsin picked up 132 more votes for Biden. He’s so fucking stupid.


COVID-19 is the fucking bellwether of the world right now. Just no matter what good or bad may exist in your life, COVID-19 is there to either make it worse or prevent it from being better.


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